If you want to become a certified yoga instructor, this certified yoga instructor course is for you. A certificate course will provide an introduction to the history of yoga, its philosophy, and practices.
You’ll also learn about anatomy, physiology, and other related areas that are important for understanding how the body functions during different types of exercises.
You can choose from two courses such as one that emphasizes teaching children and one focusing on teaching adults.
Both courses include training in asana (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), meditation and relaxation techniques, as well as basic anatomy & physiology related to yoga practice.
Yoga Certificate Courses in Mumbai and Pune
There are various types of yoga certificate courses in Mumbai. These include:
Yoga Teacher Training Course (200 hours) – This course is ideal for those who want to become teachers and teach yoga professionally. It includes theory, practical lessons and 100 hours of internship at an approved yoga school or institute.
Yoga Therapy Certification Program (120 hours)- This program is designed for those who wish to learn about the therapeutic aspects of yoga as well as its history and philosophy through theoretical classes as well as practical sessions at an approved institution offering this course.
Yoga teacher training course in Mumbai (100 Hours)- This course focuses on teaching techniques such as Asanas (postures), Pranayama (breathing exercises), Mudras (hand gestures) etc.
Yoga Anatomy Certification Program (60 Hours)- This program teaches you how to identify muscles involved in different poses so that you can create a safe practice environment for your clients/students.
There are a number of Yoga teacher training courses in Pune that will help you to become a certified instructor. The cost of these courses varies depending on the institution and duration.
Benefits of Becoming a Certified Yoga Instructor
As a certified yoga instructor, you can expect to enjoy the following benefits:
Higher pay and better job satisfaction – Many people who practice yoga are willing to pay more for a class taught by someone with credentials. This means that your income potential is higher than it would be as an uncertified instructor or as someone who teaches other types of fitness classes such as aerobics.
Increased job opportunities – As more people become interested in learning yoga, there will be more demand for certified instructors who can teach them safely and effectively.
Tips for Choosing the Right Yoga Certificate Course
Before you sign up for a yoga certificate course, there are a few things you should consider:
Your goals
Suppose you aim to get a Yoga certificate course in Mumbai and Pune open your studio or teach at another studio. In that case, the school must have an established reputation in the area. You’ll also want to make sure that its graduates have gone on to do well after graduating from the program.
The content of the course
What kind of training will be provided? You will know if there’s an emphasis on anatomy and physiology or if will it be primarily focused on teaching methodology once you enquire about the course.
It’s important to know what kind of knowledge base they expect their students to have before enrolling in any program because this can affect how much time they spend learning new information during the class time and, therefore, how much money they spend on tuition as well as travel expenses if they live far away from where their school is located.
How to Become a Certified Yoga Instructor
Many yoga certification courses can help you become a certified instructor. You can choose from a wide range of options, including:
Yoga Alliance-approved 200-hour teacher training programs or 500-hour teacher training programs (in India)
Yoga Alliance-approved 300-hour teacher training programs in India and abroad.
To become an instructor, you must attend a course, practice regularly, take the certification exam and register with Yoga Alliance as an RYT if required by your state or country.
Yoga is an ancient practice that has been around for thousands of years. It’s believed to have originated in India and was first practiced by Hindu monks who wanted a way to connect with their higher selves.
Over time, this practice became more widespread, and people began practicing yoga for its health and spiritual benefits.
Today there are many different types of yoga available: Ashtanga, Iyengar, Kundalini and if you’re interested in becoming certified as a teacher or instructor, then you should consider learning Yoga from a recognized Yoga institute like IFSI Institute.
IFSI Institute is the best Yoga and Fitness institute in Mumbai and Pune for beginners as well as experienced. The well-experienced teacher in IFSI helps all the candidates to excel in Yoga as well as fitness regimes to prepare them thoroughly as amazing fitness and yoga instructors.